The CSS joint industry project (JIP) is a collaboration between the University of Calgary, Colorado State University, Virginia Tech and industrial partners, which aims to better understand the processes of sediment transfer across deep-water slopes through analysis of channel deposits that crop out in the Magallanes Basin of southern Chile.
A primary motivation is to provide insight into stratigraphic architecture and hydrocarbon distribution within subsurface reservoirs that are hosted in analogous slope channel system deposits. As such, the research ultimately aims to provide geomodels of slope channel strata constrained by detailed outcrop observations.
Some information about the research is provided in the links above, although data and results are available exclusively to industrial sponsors of the research via the login at right. If you are interested in learning more about the JIP, please contact us.

Project Mission
We analyze world-class deep-water outcrops to develop predictive models of slope systems from reservoir to exploration scales, and test the impact of observed stratigraphy on fluid flow connectivity and seismic response. We present interdisciplinary approaches to solve problems associated with reservoir characterization, prediction, and modeling, while providing educational opportunities for our sponsors.

Dr. Steve Hubbard
Dr. Brian Romans
Dr. Lisa Stright

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