MS (Completed)
Sean Fletcher
University of Calgary
Research Topics:
Stratigraphic Characterization of a Cretaceous Slope Channel Complexs
Previous Degrees
M.Sc. (University of Calgary), 2013
B.Sc. (McMaster University), 2008
Little known fact: Sean is an actor (very talented).
Current Employment: Husky Energy, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
Husky Energy
CSS Publications
Pemberton, E.A., Stright, L., Fletcher, S. and Hubbard, S.M., 2018. The influence of stratigraphic architecture on seismic response: Reflectivity modeling of outcropping deepwater channel units. Interpretation, 6(3), pp.T783-T808.
Fletcher, S., 2013. Stratigraphic characterization of a Cretaceous slope channel complex in the Tres Pasos Formation, Arroyo Picana-Laguna Figueroa outcrop belt, Chilean Patagonia [MS Thesis, University of Calgary]